Use the Texts tab to link multiple texts to one record, and then use them for external documents, such as general or business-specific reports, or for internal purposes. You can also add texts in various languages to a specific record.
An asterisk (*) to the right of the Texts tab name indicates that the record has texts linked to it.
Note: Use texts with the text format 'RTF' or 'Plaint text'. The text format 'HTML' is used for text in emails used for sending documents.
Using texts for external documents
If texts have been entered, they are printed on the Purchase offer, Purchase order, Order confirmation, Sales offer, Sales invoice and Shipping note reports by default. On each of these reports, texts are printed with different text types.
The list below contains the default texts printed on reports. The text type assigned to a text determines whether or not the text is printed. It is also important, however, where the text with the relevant text type was entered.
A text of text type 'MSL00' (External text for customer) is printed on the Sales offer report only if the text was entered for the customer selected in the sales offer.
A text of text type 'MPA00' (External text for sales part) is printed on the Purchase order report only if the text was entered for the part specified on the purchase order line.