Memo, Routing and Times

The Operations and Machine operations forms have a section at the bottom containing additional information about the selected operation (or machine operation). It consists of three boxes: Memo, Routing and Times.


This box contains the text from the Memo tab (in Isah) for the selected operation (or machine operation).

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Display the memo field in full screen.

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Increase the text size.

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Decrease the text size.

If configured for your company, you can change the memo field. Tap the memo field to enable the Edit mode. You will now see a few additional buttons:


Save your changes

Undo changes

Undo the change

Redo change

Redo the change (after undoing the change)


The Routing box shows the predecessors and the successors of the selected operation (or machine operation). Only one level of predecessors and one level of successors are displayed. SFC shows the progress by means of colors and a percentage:


At the bottom of the Times box, you can see the current and expected times of the selected operation (or machine operation):

The behavior of the Times box depends on the form on which it appears:


Behavior of the Times box

If configured in the system settings, you can use the Times box to specify the type of operation you want to start. First choose 'Labor', 'Machine' or 'Labor+Machine'. You will now see the options available for your choice.

You can only select the combinations of 'Labor/machine/Labor+Machine' and 'Setup time/Adjustment time/Cycle time' that are defined on the Settings form of the SFC configuration tool. In the SFC configuration tool, an hour code has been defined for each valid combination. The combination you choose determines the hour code the operation is posted to in SFC.

You can see which hour code (combination of 'Labor/machine/Labor+Machine' and 'Setup time/Adjustment time/Cycle time') is active. You can change this hour code by selecting a new combination. When you select a new combination, it will start blinking. After two seconds, your choice will become permanent.

If the new hour code is of the type 'Machine', the current action is aborted for the employee, and a machine operation is started. SFC shows the Current machine operations form.

You can see which hour code (combination of 'Labor/machine/Labor+Machine' and 'Setup time/Adjustment time/Cycle time') is active. You can change this hour code by selecting a new combination. When you select a new combination, it will start blinking. After two seconds, your choice will become permanent.

If the new hour code type is not 'Machine', the current action for the machine is aborted, and an operation is started for the employee. The Current operation form is displayed.

Note: You can take over the machine operation only if you do not have any current operations yet. An employee can have only one current operation at a time.

The current action for the selected operation is displayed. This action cannot be changed on this form.