1098 Operations planning board - Gantt chart

The Gantt chart displays the stages and planning of operations and enables you to plan operations visually.

A preset allows you to specify the data to be displayed in the graphical overview. Examples of default presets include:

For a correct overview, the first column must match the selected preset. When you use the preset for the first time, you need to move the correct column to the left; these settings are saved for future use.

The data displayed relate to the period shown on the Period toolbar.

The overview only shows capacity group operations and employee operations that have been configured to be displayed on the Operations planning boardform. To configure their display on the form, select the Visible on operations planning board check box on the following forms:

The operation details include:

The bars are drawn based on the following search path for graphic settings:

  1. The operation status settings – General tab > Graph settings
  2. The capacity group settings – General tab > Graph settings
  3. The production planning Gantt chart settings

Planning graph

Operations can be moved, shortened and extended. It is not possible to add or remove operations. If you have changed the planning graph, you can recalculate the planning figures.

Tip: By default, the Operations planning board form shows unconfirmed operations from unconfirmed production files. Create a new preset if you also want confirmed operations to be displayed.

View the demo about working with Gantt charts

Information about the display of Gantt charts