If this check box is selected, a purchase order must be entered. Clear the check box if the line is not to be based on a purchase order.
There are two possible scenarios:
The software checks the purchase order and the purchase order line to determine whether the purchase was made for stocking purposes or for a sales or production order. This destination is automatically entered in the Type field. You cannot modify the field. |
Production order, Equipment line
If the type is 'Production order', use these fields to record why the equipment was purchased.
If the type is 'Production order', the sales order and, where applicable, the sales offer are displayed for your information. You cannot modify the field.
This is the VAT code applicable to the purchase invoice line, for example 'Domestic purchase, high'. By default, the field is filled in based on the financial parameters. The VAT code field on the purchase invoice lines is an informational field and is independent of the VAT sums in the purchase invoice header.
This field shows the ledger account to which the costs will be posted.By default, the field is filled in based on the financial parameters.
To prevent a user from changing this ledger account, you can lock the field on the Financial form by selecting the Lock ledger account on purchase invoice line check box.
Initially, this authorization is used to check the purchase invoice lines. The data of the purchase invoice are compared with the data of the purchase order, as displayed in the Purchase order section. The result of this comparison is then displayed in the Authorization field:
This setting is the minimum setting required for processing the purchase invoice. |
This setting indicates that no more purchase invoices will be received against this purchase order line. |
It is possible to change the authorization type in this field in order to accept a difference in quantity, price or discount, so that the purchase invoice can be processed. You can also keep a line blocked, however, to prevent the purchase invoice from being processed.
When you want to process a purchase invoice in its entirety, ALL purchase invoice lines must have the authorization 'Invoice line authorized' or 'Invoice line authorized; last invoice'.
Purchase invoice
This is total sum of the current purchase invoice line. This field is automatically filled in based on the values of the Price, Discount percentage, and Discount fields. The sum is exclusive of VAT.
The VAT sum is calculated based on the total sum specified on the purchase invoice line and the VAT code entered on the line.
This is the sum (excluding VAT) already invoiced for the specified purchase order line. The field is filled automatically if a purchase invoice line has been created and processed for the specified purchase order line.
This is the total of the sum already invoiced for this purchase order line and the total sum of the current purchase invoice line. The sum is exclusive of VAT.
Purchase order
This is total sum from the original purchase order line. The sum is exclusive of VAT.
The Received field shows the quantity received (in the case of equipment, this quantity is never higher than 1). The Complete check box is selected when the receipt of the equipment has been confirmed as complete.
The Invoiced field shows the number of pieces invoiced for this purchase order line. The Complete check box is selected when the purchase invoice line has been processed, indicating that it was the last invoice line ('Invoice line authorized; last invoice').