Specify to which value you want the registered hours to be rounded off. Employees registering their hours can fill in all values, such as '2:35 hours', but the value they enter will be rounded off in accordance with this setting.
The content of the picklist in this field depends on the setting in Isah that defines if you work with clock times (2:45 for 2 hours and 3 quarters) or decimal times (2.75 for 2 hours and 3 quarters).
Working hours tables
Isah Time Registration works with variable working hours tables. In this field, specify the default variable working hours table Isah Time Registration needs to use if an employee doesn't have a variable working hours table in Isah.
Isah knows two ways of registering hours:
The second method, employed by Isah TR, works best with variable hour tables. This is because specific start and end times are not always available if hours are registered afterwards, and that would be a problem for fixed hour tables. If an employee is scheduled to work with a fixed hour table but uses Isah TR for their hours, then Isah TR needs a variable hour table to register the hours correctly. For this purpose, it is best to register a general variable working hours table that will register (for example) the first 8 hours worked per day as 'standard working hours', and everything above that as 'extra hours', which could result in a higher hourly rate.
Approve week reports
Every employee has to authorize their week report after registering their hours. If you want to prevent employees authorizing incomplete timesheets, activate the setting Check hours by choosing 'Per week' or 'Per day':
Isah TR will check if the total number of hours the employee has registered for the week (for direct and indirect activities, and absence) is equal to or more than the number of scheduled hours for the week. This makes it possible for an employee to work more flexibly, for instance by working an extra hour on a Monday and working an hour less on a Thursday, as long as this happens in the same week. |
Isah TR will check the number of registered hours per day. This means that working an hour less on any day will have to be accounted for by registering absence hours. |
As long as the number of registered hours is smaller than the number of scheduled hours (per day or per week), employees won't be able to authorize incomplete week reports.
If you don't want Isah TR to check for completeness, set Check hours to 'No'. Employees will then be able to authorize incomplete week reports.
Split week report at end of month
This setting is mostly applicable to large organizations who need their monthly financial reports to be available as soon as a month ends. If this setting is active, current week reports can be approved until the end of a month even if a week is not over yet. A button to approve a week report until the last day of the month will appear for all users, if:
Planned activities
If an employee has planned activities, these will be shown in their time sheet, making it easier for the emplyee to register hours. Isah also needs an hour code to be able to process these hours; set the default value for the hour code in this field, so you only need to register it once. The default hour code can be changed during the actual registering of activities.
Unplanned operations
If an employee, when registering hours, creates an unplanned operation, Isah will add an operation line to the production order. Specify here which operation status you want the new operation line to have, so you are able to distinguish between planned and unplanned operations later.
If you do not specify a status here, Isah TR will use the default operation status set in Isah.
Negative leave balance allowed
If you leave this setting empty, employees can only apply for leave if they have sufficient leave hours remaining. Applications that would cause the remaining leave hours to become negative cannot be entered. Activate this field if your company allows the balance of leave hours for employees to become negative, for instance if you allow unpaid leave.
Specify the minimum amount of leave for a request. If, for example, a leave request has to be for at least two hours, set this value to '2'.
Specify the hour units allowed for leave requests. If, for example, leave can be requested only in 30-minute blocks, set the value to '0.50'. Employees will then be able to take leave only in multiples of half an hour.
Activate this setting if you want Isah TR to calculate the overtime work per week. This is a general setting for Isah TR, making overtime calculation in the application possible. After activating it, go to the Isah Personnel module to specify which employees are eligible for overtime work. For these people, activate the Calculate overtime setting on the Salary data tab.
Once activated, Isah TR will calculate the overtime when the weekly schedule is authorized by the employee's manager. Whether these hours will be payed to the employee or taken as leave on a later date can be determined later.
Overtime work is calculated by comparing the employee's scheduled hours with the hours that the employee has registered as working hours in their weekly schedule. Overtime does not look at presence hours.
This is the overtime per day that needs to be worked before it is counted as overtime. For instance, if 10 minutes extra work does not count as overtime, but 15 minutes does, fill in 15 minutes.
Activate this field if the minimum for overtime work also counts as overtime. Leave this setting empty if the counting starts at zero once the minimum has been reached.
Example 1: Minimum does not count as overtime
Scheduled |
13:00 - 17:00 |
Minimim for overwork time |
15 minutes |
Minimim counts as overtime |
No |
Actual hours |
13:00 - 17:30 |
Overtime |
15 minutes |
Example 2: Minimum counts as overtime
Scheduled |
13:00 - 17:00 |
Minimim for overwork time |
15 minutes |
Minimim counts as overtime |
Yes |
Actual hours |
13:00 - 17:30 |
Overtime |
30 minutes |
Specify the hour units for overtime. If, for example, overtime is only registered in 15-minute blocks, set the value to '15 minutes'. If all overtime counts, set it to '1 minute'.
This setting determines if an employee will be able to choose how overtime gets compensated. There are four options:
Authorization by person responsible
Activate this setting if you want to be able to process hours immediately after the employee responsible for the production order (set on the Planning tab) has authorized the hours registered by the employee who worked on the order. Processing the hours will not require the manager's authorization if you do this.
Leave this setting empty if you want the manager's authorization for the hours as well. In this case, processing the hours is impossible until both authorizations have been given.
Activate this setting if you want the employee responsible for the production order (set on the Planning tab) to authorize the hours first, and the manager second. Leave this setting empty if the order in which hours are authorized doesn't matter.
If a person does not have a manager, weekly schedules are automatically set to 'Authorized by manager' when the employee authorizes their own schedule. However, if Always before manager is activated and a week contains hours with a 'person responsible', they cannot do this before the person responsible has authorized the hours. Normally, the person responsible does not see these hours until an employee has OK'ed their weekly schedule. Which, in theory, they cannot do, because they are also their own manager.
To prevent this situation, which would cause the weekly schedule to be unauthorizable, in this particular case the person responsible will see the hours as soon as the employee puts them into their weekly schedule. No authorization by the employee is needed. The employee's weekly schedule shows which person needs to authorize their hours before they can authorize their own weekly schedule.
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