Financial analysis

The data displayed when opening the Financial analysis form depend on the location you open the form from:

From the 0033 Sales offers or 0070 Sales orders form

From the 0034 Sales lines form

From the 0193 Sales offers and orders form

From the 0092 Production files form

From the 1000 Projects form

From the 1247 Project lines - planning form

Calculating the items of a project or sales file

To calculate the items of a sales offer or order, use the Create financial analysis of sales files process. For a project, use the Calculate project line items process. Projects often have underlying sales orders and production files, of which the items may already have been calculated. In that case, these data are collected and added to the project. You can also choose to calculate the items of all underlying files from within a project, so that the entire structure will be filled again. The exact items calculated depend on the data you enter on the processing form and the underlying structures.

To have the data recalculated each time you open the Financial analysis form, open the Settings menu and select the Calculate financial analysis option. This option is available on all forms from which you can display the financial analysis. This means that they can be set individually, as sometimes you may want to have a relatively simple calculation (for an underlying production file, for example) to be performed automatically, but you do not want the items of the entire project to be calculated, because that would be too time-consuming. Such major calculations would best be executed with a batch process running overnight.

Form layout

Use the fields of the left-hand side of the form to select the data to be displayed. Click the Get data button to refresh the data. As with all list forms in Isah, you can choose which columns you want to be displayed. To configure the columns, use the column chooser in the top-left corner of the form. You can also reorder the columns to suit your needs.

The columns on the right-hand side of the form are grouped by function. The more general data are followed by the preliminary costing data, the actual costing data, the quantities, the times, the revenues and the sales order reservations.

In the preliminary and actual costing columns, variable, fixed and commercial costs and contributions are listed separately. The revenues include the sales sums, the invoiced sums, the periods to be invoiced, and the invoiced periods. The quantities are the quantities specified on the calculation lines; the unit can be found in a separate column. The times are broken down into machine hours, labor hours and total time (labor and machine hours together).


Preliminary costing


Actual costing

Expected costs

Forecast costs



Expected quantities

Forecast quantities


Expected times

Forecast times

Stock returns

Plan groups

Sales order reservations


On the Financial analysis form, use the Settings menu to choose a flat display structure or a hierarchical display structure. The different views available for the Financial analysis form are best explained by using an example.

Let us assume that a sales order is built up in the following way:

Financial analysis

The part on sales line A is produced in production file X; the part on sales line B is produced in production file Y. On part calculation line A, the same semi-finished product is required for both files. This product is produced in production file Z. Three of the semi-finished products will be used for the part calculation line of production file X; the other four will be used for the part calculation line of production file Y.

These data are presented as follows (any lines between parentheses are not shown in the above schema, but are inserted if they are present in a production structure):

Flat structure

Hierarchical structure

Sales order

Sales order

(Periodic invoice lines)


(Periodic invoice lines)

Sales line A


Sales line A

Sales line B


Production file X

Sales line C


Part calculation line A

Production file X


(Other part calculation lines)

Part calculation line A


(Operation calculation lines)

(Other part calculation lines)


(Equipment calculation lines)

(Operation calculation lines)


(External operation calculation lines)

(Equipment calculation lines)


Production file Z


(External operation calculation lines)


(Part calculation lines)


Production file Y


(Operation calculation lines)


Part calculation line A


(Equipment calculation lines)


(Other part calculation lines)


(External operation calculation lines)


(Operation calculation lines)


Sales line B

(Equipment calculation lines)


Production file Y

(External operation calculation lines)


Part calculation line A

Production file Z


(Other part calculation lines)

(Part calculation lines)


(Operation calculation lines)

(Operation calculation lines)


(Equipment calculation lines)

(Equipment calculation lines)


(External operation calculation lines)

(External operation calculation lines)


Production file Z



(Part calculation lines)



(Operation calculation lines)



(Equipment calculation lines)



(External operation calculation lines)



Sales line C

In the flat structure, all data are displayed underneath one another. There is no distinction between items on a higher level (such as sales lines) and the underlying items (the production files for a sales line). This means that you cannot see their interdependencies.

The hierarchical structure shows the underlying components as branches immediately below their parent levels. For example, you will see production files underneath the sales line they are associated with.